AWS has just introduced Amazon Redshift Spectrum, a service that lets users run complex queries on information stored in Amazon S3. While Amazon Redshift lets you build petabyte-sized warehouses for your data, Amazon Redshift Spectrum lets you query that data without having to rely on other applications.
To do this, you simple create a data source and run your queries through your Redshift cluster. Meanwhile, Spectrum scales thousands of instances per query to ensure that it produces results quickly and consistently, no matter the size of your data. Spectrum arranges your query into a plan that minimizes that amount of data in S3 it needs to read. Spectrum then projects, filters, and aggregates the S3 data before sending the results to the user.
Spectrum can be used with open and common data types such as CSV/TSV, Parquet, SequenceFile, and RCFile. You may also compress your data to save on charges, which is $5 per Terabyte.
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