The Internet of Things (AWS IoT) is flying high with new upgrades.
First is an integration with Amazon Machine Learning, a service that lets developers create machine learning models without having to use complex algorithms and technology. This union lets you create daily predictions that can number in the billions, and lets you serve them in real time.
Also, IoT now integrates with AWS CloudTrail. You can use CloudTrail to track what your APIs are doing in IoT and send log files to the S3 bucket of your choice. All API actions show up on the CloudTrail console. You can check IoT policies, create or change IoT rules, or manage your certificates.
Speaking of certificates, AWS IoT also lets APIs register and use security certificates signed by your own Certificate Authority (CA). This means that your existing devices certified by your CA may now integrate with IoT without any problems.
Learn more about these feature at the AWS IoT documentation. The Internet of Things holds many benefits to those who can harness it. Find out how through our cloud experts here at PolarSeven. Contact us today.
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