AWS has announced a new option for Amazon Aurora users. The new steady-state db.t2.medium DB instance class comes with 2 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM.
At normal use, it can take up 40% of the performance of a single core, but can burst to full core usage for heavy loads and CPU-intensive tasks. This new class also comes with a set of CPU credits which are used each time the instance is active, and saved when it is inactive.
The db.t2.medium’s capabilities make it a useful for development and test scenarios and even for some light production workloads.
This brings your DB instance class choices for Amazon Aurora to six. For heaver production loads, you have a choice of others ranging from db.r3.large to db.r3.8xlarge.
The db.t2.medium class is available now, and prices start at $0.082 per hour. For help on setting up enterprise-level cloud databases, please contact our AWS experts at PolarSeven.
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